1. Bookmacster 2 9 15 Commentary 17
  2. Bookmacster 2 9 15 Commentary David Guzik
  3. 2/9/15 Holiday
  4. Bookmacster 2 9 15 Commentary 13
Matthew 9:15

And Jesus said unto them
To the disciples of John, the Pharisees being present, who both have here a full answer; though it seems to be especially directed to the former:

can the children of the bride chamber mourn, as long as the
bridegroom, is with them?
By the 'bridegroom' Christ means himself, who stands in such a relation to his church, and to all, believers; whom he secretly betrothed to himself from all eternity, in the covenant of grace; and openly espouses in the effectual calling; and will still do it in a more public manner at the last day John, the master of those men, who put the question to Christ, had acknowledged him under this character, ( John 3:29 ) and therefore they ought to own it as belonging to him; so that the argument upon it came with the greater force to them. By 'the children of the bride chamber' are meant the disciples, who were the friends of the bridegroom, as John also says he was; and therefore rejoiced at hearing his voice, as these did, and ought to do; their present situation, having the presence of Christ the bridegroom with them, required mirth and not mourning, John, their master, being witness. The allusion is to a nuptial solemnity, which is a time of joy and feasting, and not of sorrow and fasting; when both bride and bridegroom have their friends attending them, who used to be called (hpwxh ynb) , 'the children of the bride chamber'. The bride had her maidens waiting on her; and it is said F9,

People's Bible Notes for Colossians 2:9. Col 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead fully. You must not be drawn from Christ. He is all in all. In him is the divine fullness (all divine power). In him as revealed was God in bodily form. Compare Joh 1:14. And Jesus said unto them To the disciples of John, the Pharisees being present, who both have here a full answer; though it seems to be especially directed to the former: can the children of the bride chamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom, is with them?

``she did not go into the bridechamber but with them; and these are called, (atpwx ynb) , 'the children of the bride chamber'.'
So the young men that were the friends of the bridegroom, which attended him, were called by the same name; and, according to the Jewish canons, were free from many things they were otherwise obliged to: thus it is said F11:
``the bridegroom, his friends, and all (hpwxh ynb) , 'the children of the bride chamber', are free from the booth all the seven days;'
that is, from dwelling in booths at the feast of tabernacles, which was too strait a place for such festival solemnities. And again,
``the bridegroom, his friends, and all (hpwxh ynb) , 'the children of the bride chamber', are free from prayer and the phylacteries;'
that is, from observing the stated times of attending to these things, and much more then were they excused from fasting and mourning; so that the Pharisees had an answer sufficient to silence them, agreeably to their own traditions. Give me leave to transcribe one passage more, for the illustration of this text F12.
``When R. Lazar ben Arach opened, in the business of Mercava, (the visions in the beginning of Ezekiel,) Rabban Jochanan ben Zaccai alighted from his ass; for he said it is not fit I should hear the glory of my Creator, and ride upon an ass: they went, and sat under a certain tree, and fire came down from heaven and surrounded them; and the ministering angels leaped before them, (hpwx ynbk) , 'as the children of the bride chamber' rejoice before the bridegroom.'
The time of Christ's being with his disciples, between his entrance on his public ministry, and his death, is the time here referred to, during which the disciples had very little care and trouble: this was their rejoicing time, and there was a great deal of reason for it; they had no occasion to fast and mourn; and indeed the Jews themselves say F13, that
``all fasts shall cease in the days of the Messiah; and there shall be no more but good days, and days of joy and rejoicing, as it is said, ( Zechariah 8:19 ) .'
But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from
in a forcible manner, and put to death, as he was;

and then shall they fast
and mourn, and be in great distress, as John's disciples now were, on account of their master being in prison.

F9 Zohar in Gen. fol. 6. 4.
F11 T. Bab. Succa, fol. 25. 2. & Hieros. Succa, fol. 53. 1. Maimon. Succa, c. 6. sect. 3.
F12 T. Hieros. Chagiga, fol. 77. 1.
F13 Maimon. Hilchot Taaniot, c. 5. sect. 19.

(1) For as touching . . .—The division of chapters in the English version, unfortunately, gives the impression of the introduction of a new subject. In reality there is no new topic, and all flows on with unbroken continuity. This is part of the appeal to their self-respect begun in 2Corinthians 8:23-24. “You will pardon,” he practically says, “my words of counsel as to the necessity of prompt action; as to the general duty of that ministration to the saints you have shown that you need no instruction.”

2 Corinthians 9:1-2. As touching the ministering to the saints — Contributing to their relief, see on Romans 15:26; it is superfluous for me to write — More largely and particularly. For I know — Rather, have known, in former instances, and have now again learned from Titus; the forwardness of your mind — Your readiness to assist in this good work; for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia — To the Christians in that province, with whom he then was;

Bookmacster 2 9 15 Commentary 17

that Achaia — Whereof Corinth was the chief city; was ready Bookmacster 2 9 15 commentary matthew henry— Was prepared; a year ago — Or since the last year, as

Bookmacster 2 9 15 Commentary David Guzik

απο περυσι Bookmacster 2 9 15 commentary matthew henryproperly signifies. “So the apostle thought when he boasted of the Corinthians to the Macedonians. For in his former letter, which was written in the end of the preceding year, he had exhorted them to make the collection, and had given it in charge to Titus, who carried that letter, to encourage them in the work. Besides, the Corinthians having expressed the greatest respect for the apostle in the letter which they sent to him, and the messengers, who brought him that letter, having assured him of their disposition to obey him in every thing, he did not doubt of their having complied with his request. And therefore, when he went into Macedonia the following spring, after pentecost, he told the Macedonian churches that Achaia was prepared since the end of the last year, firmly believing that it was so.” — Macknight.9:1-5 When we would have others do good, we must act toward them prudently and tenderly, and give them time. Christians should consider what is for the credit of their profession, and endeavour to adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things. The duty of ministering to the saints is so plain, that there would seem no need to exhort Christians to it; yet self-love contends so powerfully against the love of Christ, that it is often necessary to stir up their minds by way of remembrance.For as touching the ministering to the saints - In regard to the collection that was to be taken up for the aid of the poor Christians in Judea; see the notes on Romans 15:26; 1 Corinthians 16:1; 2 Corinthians 8.

It is superfluous .. - It is needless to urge that matter on you, because I know that you acknowledge the obligation to do it, and have already purposed it.

For me to write to you - That is, to write more, or to write largely on the subject. It is unnecessary for me to urge arguments why it should be done; and all that is proper is to offer some suggestions in regard to the manner in which it shall be accomplished.


2Co 9:1-15. Reasons for His Sending Titus. The Greater Their Bountifulness, the More Shall Be the Return of Blessing to Them, and Thanksgiving to God. Download windows 10 from mac.

Can you play minecraft on macbook pro. 1. For—connected with 2Co 8:16: 'Show love to the messengers of the churches; for as concerns the ministration for the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you who are so forward already.'

write—emphatical: It is superfluous to 'write,' for you will have witnesses present [Bengel].2 Corinthians 9:1-5 Paul showeth the reason why, though he knew the
forwardness of the Corinthians, he had sent the
brethren before hand to make up their collections
against his coming.
2 Corinthians 9:6-11 He stirreth them up to give bountifully and
cheerfully, as a likely means to increase their store,
2 Corinthians 9:12-15 and as productive of many thanksgivings unto God.
I should think the particle gar, here translated for, had been better translated but, as in 1 Peter 4:15, and 2 Peter 1:9, our translators do render it. So these words contain an elegant revocation of himself from the argument he had dwelt upon in the whole former chapter, and the sense amounts to this: But to what purpose do I multiply words to you, to persuade you to minister to the saints in distress? As to you, it is superfluous. By this art letting them know, that he had no doubt, but a confident expectation, concerning them; the suggesting of which hath also the force of another argument, that they might not deceive the apostle’s good opinion and confidence of them.

2/9/15 Holiday

For as touching the ministering to the saints,.. It looks at first sight as if the apostle was entering upon a new subject, though by what follows it appears to be the same; for by 'ministering to the saints', he does not mean the ministry of the Gospel to them; nor that mutual assistance members of churches are to give each other; but either the fellowship of ministering to the saints, which the churches had entreated him, and his fellow ministers, to take upon them, namely, to take the charge of their collections, and distribute them to the poor saints at Jerusalem; or rather these collections themselves, and their liberality in them: with respect to which he says,

it is superfluous for me to write to you; that is, he thought it unnecessary to say any more upon that head, because he had used so many arguments already to engage them in it, in the foregoing chapter; and because he had sent three brethren to them, who well understood the nature of this service, and were very capable of speaking to it, and of enforcing the reasonings already used; and more especially he judged it needless to dwell on this subject, for the reasons following.

For {1} as touching the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you:

Bookmacster 2 9 15 Commentary 13

Install pdf viewer for windows 7. (1) He wisely answers the suspicion which the Corinthians might conceive, as though the apostle in urging them so carefully was doubting of their good will. Update 2011 macbook pro. Therefore he witnesses that he does it not to teach them that they ought to help the saints, seeing that he had become surety for them to the Macedonians. But only to stir those up who were labouring by themselves, to the end that all things might both be in a better readiness, and also be more plentiful.