Like any other state, Michigan is home to many dangerous roads and highways. Unfortunately, these roads all come with risks when you’re driving, and it’s vital for you to recognize some of the defensive driving techniques that can help keep you and others safe on the road.

Unfortunately, no matter how safe you are, you may not be able to control the actions of other drivers. You also cannot control the weather or other road dangers that make these highways and roads some of the most dangerous throughout the entire state. What you can do, though, is recognize just how dangerous they are and why, so you can prepare accordingly.

The 5 most dangerous highways and roads in Michigan include:

Oct 17, 2017 This frees up your mouse so you can comfortably navigate to the destination of the drop and resume the drag from Yoink’s window. Version 3.4: New. Add your clipboard's contents to Yoink (either via Yoink's Advanced button at the lower left or by long-pressing its keyboard shortcut - see Yoink's Behavior preferences to set it up. 3-piece Jingle House Collective.

While there are some other roads, intersections, and highways that present numerous dangers, we chose these because of their combination of hazards and how they can cause significant collisions.

If you suffer an accident involving someone else’s negligence, it’s vital to recognize your rights. Call our firm today at (800) 294-6637 to discuss your potential case.

1. U.S. Route 31

The U.S. Route 31 is a highway that runs parallel to the coast of Lake Michigan and often serves as a beautiful drive for many. The scenic landscape and landmarks are just a few of the reasons many drivers flock to Route 31 on their travels—locals and tourists alike.

Unfortunately, as the route approaches the Grand Haven area, it can quickly become congested around the highly trafficked hours. In the winter, this is a common route for daunting weather conditions, so it’s always vital to recognize how this route looks before taking any trip on it.

2. Interstate 696

While this stretch of road is not particularly long, its 26 miles serves as a potential option at many times, resulting in many drivers testing higher speeds than safe for conditions. In fact, this interstate has earned a longstanding reputation of one where speedy drivers reach a high rate of speed, and locals know the dangers.

There are numerous risk factors on this highway aside from speedy drivers. For instance, there are numerous interchanges that can be confusing to drivers who aren’t aware of them. The rise in speed limit hasn’t stopped people from going well above the speed limit. During peak hours, this is also a highway that gets a lot of traffic.

3. Interstate 75

The busiest highway throughout the entire state, the I-75 travels through the Detroit Metro area and has a number of potentially dangerous stretches. Certain months can make it even more dangerous as more travelers take to the I-75 for the purpose of traveling. Unfortunately, this is a road that averages roughly 35 fatal accidents each year. It is continuously one of the most dangerous roads in the state, and one of which you need to be aware should you travel throughout Michigan.

4. Interstate 96

The I-96 is one of the major highways connecting Grand Rapids and Detroit. It’s a popular route for commuters, and during peak hours, cars can come to a complete stop at times. Each year, roughly 25 fatalities occur on this highway due to negligence-related crashes.

The I-96 is home to countless crashes each year, and it’s clear that there are far too many dangers that exist on this highway. If you need to drive on this interstate, be sure to stay as safe as possible and practice all defensive driving tips.

5. Interstate 94

There are a number of risk factors associated with the I-94, including heavy traffic as it approaches the Detroit Metro area. It is also one of the most dangerous locations for an interchange where the I-94 and the I-75 meet, causing numerous car accidents in the Detroit area.

Winter months can also leave drivers on this highway with reduced visibility and there’s an increased number of crashes in these months. Unfortunately, it’s one of the more traveled routes, and congestion is a real concern.


Staying Safe on These Highways

If you do intend to or must travel on any of the above highways, it’s imperative for you to recognize how you can stay safe. Of course, there are various defensive driving techniques that you can follow, but there are precautions that you want to take as well.

Here are a few of the things you can do to stay safe when it’s time to travel:

  • Plan your route ahead of time: If you are not a regular commuter on any of these highways and you can find ways to get to your destination without taking these highways, you should consider it. If you can take a different route or highway, make sure you plan it as part of your trip.
  • Recognize peak traffic hours: Much of the dangers on these highways occur around high peak traffic hours. When individuals are going to or getting out of work serve as some of the most dangerous times, so if you can, avoid traveling during these hours.
  • Choose the slow lane if you recognize speeders: If you’re trying to travel the speed limit but other drivers are speeding, stay towards the slower lanes to try and avoid them. The more space you give potentially dangerous drivers, the safer you can be.
  • Give yourself time to travel: You never want to be in a rush whenever you need to travel. The more time you give yourself, the less likely you are to speed, and there’s a reduced risk of being involved in a severe crash.

Unfortunately, there are numerous problems that can arise on the road, and it’s vital for you to recognize the risk factors to prepare accordingly. If you know the roads that are most dangerous, recognize signs of negligence, and stay aware of weather conditions, you can stay as safe as possible. Caliente casino real.

Your Rights After a Crash

Any collision involving negligence must be handled with care. In an accident where you suffer severe injuries, you have legal options to pursue compensation for the damages you endure. During this difficult time, it’s a wise decision to get legal representation on your side who can help explain what your rights are and how you can move forward.

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When it comes to representing the rights of the injured, our team at Fieger Law has been trusted for many years. We have a strong reputation of providing excellent legal counsel during some of the most difficult times, and we have obtained justice and compensation on behalf of numerous clients. It’s always been our focus to give the injured a voice during a difficult time.

Our Michigan car accident lawyers are here to help you every step of the way, explaining your options to you, and keeping you up to date so you always know what to expect. Your peace of mind is our top priority, and we’ll go above and beyond to safeguard your best interests. When you need compensation following an injury, trust in our team to champion your case to the outcome you need and deserve.

We offer free consultations so you can get answers to your questions. Need to speak with us about your case? Call us today at (800) 294-6637.

I’m happy to tell you that today, Yoink 3.2.5 is available for download from the Mac App Store. It’s a free upgrade for everyone who’s purchased it before.
You can download a 15-day trial for the app here, even if you’ve tried it before.

What Is Yoink?

Yoink simplifies and improves drag and drop on your Mac.


It simplifies drag and drop by providing a temporary place for files you drag, so you can navigate more easily to the destination of the files. It’s especially useful when trying to move or copy files between different windows, Spaces or (fullscreen) applications.

When you start moving a file in Finder, or app-content like an image from a website, Yoink appears at the edge of your screen, offering a temporary place for you to drag the files to. Without having to keep the mouse button pressed, you can now get to the destination of your file quicker and easier.


Drag and drop is improved in several ways, including:

  • Collect multiple files from different locations you’d like to move to one destination without having to go back and forth
  • Split up a multiple-files-drag so you can move files to different places without having to go back and forth
  • Copy files to multiple locations more efficiently


You can customize Yoink’s behavior so it fits in perfectly with your workflow. Aside from having to option to show it at either edge of your screen (at the top, center or bottom), you can set it up to only appear when you drag files to the edge of your screen or to appear directly at your mouse cursor when you start dragging, making drag and drop even faster.

For applications where you don’t need Yoink, add them to a “blacklist”, so Yoink doesn’t interfere with your work. A keyboard shortcut (by default, F5) lets you manually show or hide it, should you need it anyways.

What’s New in Yoink 3.2.5?

Version 3.2.5 improves support for photos dragged from on macOS Sierra, reduces the app’s energy footprint and CPU usage during drags and improves the user experience throughout several parts of the app.
As a result of the discussion about disabled checkboxes being poor UX design (blog post), I updated Yoink’s “Behavior” preferences pane to have a more understandable UI:

Further Improvements

  • Improved Yoink’s behavior if auto-recognition of drags is disabled
  • Force-Touch-To-Select-All-Then-Drag-Out is now a more pleasant experience
  • At first launch, Yoink now respects and reflects macOS Sierra’s “Reduce Motion” setting
  • Several bug fixes regarding QuickLook, Force Touch and file cleanup

Pricing and Availability

Yoink 3.2.5 is available for purchase on the Mac App Store for the price of $6.99 / £4.99 / €6,99. It is a free update for existing customers of the app.
You can download a free, 15-day demo version here, even if you’ve tried Yoink before.
Yoink runs on Macs with OS X Lion 10.7.3 or newer. OS X Yosemite or newer is recommended.

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If you’re interested in writing about Yoink, you can download the press kit here, which contains screenshots, links to a short video and further information. Promo codes are available to members of the press at press (at) eternalstorms (dot) at.

Yoink Usage Tips

My family elephant app. To get the most out of Yoink, I’m collecting useful tips and tricks for you on this website.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and to see what you think about Yoink v3.2.5. If you like the app, please consider leaving a little review on the Mac App Store, it would help me out a lot! Should you have trouble with it or have any feedback or questions, please be sure to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you! Thank you.

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