The Configuration Assistant walks you through adding a new Target or editing an existing one.

  • Without monitoring IIS performance, you could end up leaving your site (and your users) hanging which, at best, will leave a bad taste in your user’s mouths and at worst, they’ll stop using your services. So, let’s get into this guide, where we’ll start with the basics and then move into more advanced ways to monitor IIS performance.
  • The practice of dividing the network is called subnetting. Need for a IPv4 subnet calculator. Every subnet has an address to represent it and these subnets are interconnected via router. The router needs network address and subnet mask to find out whether the incoming IP packet has to.
  • Performance Monitor is a tiny and convenient program to monitor your system status. Performance Monitor will show you the CPU, Memory, Disk and Network utilization in four graph panel. The monitor graphs are fully configurable, you can change background color and foreground color.

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Having trouble monitoring your device(s)?

If you're having trouble, have a look at the Monitoring & Compatibility FAQs.

  • A Target is either a Bandwidth Monitor or a Connection Quality Monitor.
    • Bandwidth Monitors monitor the network through (upload and download) of a device or interface.
    • Connection Quality monitors the latency to a hop or specific host on the Internet, allowing you to see the latency between you and that endpoint.
  • You can configure and monitor as many Targets as you wish.

Search for Devices

Igo navigation software download. Search for Devices in the Configuration Assistant makes it as easy as possible to find compatible devices on your network.

Whilst some of PeakHour's features work on almost any network, PeakHour's key feature - Internet bandwidth monitoring - requires your router to properly support either UPnP or SNMP monitoring. We do our absolute best to make sure PeakHour works with many different makes and models, the proof is in the pudding which is why we provide a free 10. This page lists the products and components that are supported in the current on premises release of Netcool Operations Insight, and the packages for Netcool Operations Insight on IBM Cloud Private and Red Hat OpenShift. The current version is Only this combination of product and component releases is supported.

PeakHour will automatically show UPnP-enabled routers that are found. If your router does not show up, check your router to ensure UPnP or 'Universal Plug and Play' is enabled. If you're still having trouble, see our UPnP Troubleshooting guide.

SNMP devices do not automatically advertise their presence. To add an SNMP device, you can either enter it's name or IP address manually via the Add SNMP Device..button or you can use the Scan for SNMP Devices option to actively search your network.

For detailed instructions on how to add an SNMP device, click here.


Verify settings

The Validation screen analyses the configuration and attempts to show a real-time view of bandwidth throughput.

Peak Hour 4 Network Performance Monitor V4 1 6 X 4

The following describes the what the analysis means:

Responding to queriesWhether or not the device is responding to (SNMP or UPnP) queries and returning meaningful responses.
Reporting bandwidthWhether or not the device appears to be reporting bandwidth correctly. This will be Yes if PeakHour can see that the device / interface is reporting traffic moving through the device. Note that this can be Yes but the device or interface may not report bandwidth correctly. In order to ensure whats being reported matches up with what you expect, we recommend a test by either downloading a file of a known size or using a site like
High Capacity Counters (SNMP only)If this is Yes, the interface supports High Capacity (64-bit) counters. See High Capacity Counters for more information.

If the graph appears to be showing throughput as you'd expect, click Next.



The last screen in the Configuration Assistant lets you set a few important parameters:

DescriptionThe name or description you wish to associate with this target.
Hide if unreachableOnly show this target if it can be seen and monitored by PeakHour.
Swap inbound and outbound dataSome devices may report uploaded data as downloaded data and vice-versa. Check this box to swap download and upload data around.
Display: Graph+Details View vs. Details Only view

Graph+Details means the target is shown with a graph in the main display. Details only means that only a summary is displayed.

Show in MenuShow this target's details (current upload/download speed and minigraph) in the menu bar.

Once you're done, click Finish.

You should now see PeakHour running the menu bar, showing upload and download bandwidth:

Peak Hour 4 Network Performance Monitor V4 1 6 Inch

Click on it to open the main PeakHour window and see a detailed real-time graph:

Didn't find any UPnP or SNMP-compatible devices?

Check out our FAQ on how to enable SNMP on Macs, Windows and Linux PCs.

Connection Quality monitoring allows you to monitor the quality or latency of your Internet connection or to a specific site on the Internet (e.g. NetFlix).

Adding a new Connection Quality monitor allows you to choose which point on the Internet to monitor. You can set up multiple Connection Quality monitors to monitor different points on the Internet (e.g. NetFlix or your VPN connection to work).

Internet Connection

This option sets up a monitor for your Internet connection. PeakHour assumes the other side of your Internet connection is 2 hops away:

Hop #1: Your router or firewall
Hop #2: Your ISP

This is the case for most residential Internet connections but may differ if your network is more complex (e.g. you do double-NAT or have more than one router).

Local network / WiFi connection

This option monitors your connection to the local network (usually Ethernet or WiFi). PeakHour assumes your local network is one hop away, or the next hop. This option is useful if you have a spotty or weak WiFi connection, and may help you optimize the placement of your access point(s).
A specific hostname / IP addressIf you'd like to monitor a specific site or web site address, choose this option and enter the hostname or IP address to monitor. Note that for this to work, the host must allow ICMP (Ping) packets. Many sites block these however, so make sure you test it before hand. You can do this by typing ping hostname in Terminal.
The host x hops awayFinally, you can choose a custom number of hops to monitor. Typically you'd use this option to monitor your Internet, but your network is more complex and the other side of your Internet connection is more than the default (2) hops away.

To monitor a specific site, host or IP address, that site must allow ICMP (or 'ping') packets to reach it. If the site blocks ping, you will not be able to monitor it. To test the site first, type ping hostname in Terminal.

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