Examples for the Web Server Entry ID: 68011496, V2.1, 08/2018 5 G 8 d 1 Preface Objective of the application examples The application examples in this document show you how to extend your own web pages on the S7-1200/1500 web server. This document describes the examples provided for downloading. On the taskbar, click Server Manager. In Server Manager, click the Manage menu, and then click Add Roles and Features. In the Add Roles and Features wizard, click Next. Select the installation type and click Next. Select the destination server and click Next. On the Server Roles page, expand Web Server (IIS), expand Management Tools, and then.


This guide demonstrates how to implement sign-in to Microsoft through an ASP.NET MVC solution by using a traditional web browser-based application and OpenID Connect.

When you've completed this guide, your application will be able to accept sign-ins of personal accounts from the likes of outlook.com and live.com. Additionally, work and school accounts from any company or organization that's integrated with Microsoft identity platform will be able to sign in to your app.

In this tutorial:

  • Create an ASP.NET Web Application project in Visual Studio
  • Add the Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) middleware components
  • Add code to support user sign-in and sign-out
  • Register the app in the Azure portal
  • Test the app


  • Visual Studio 2019 with the ASP.NET and web development workload installed

How the sample app generated by this guide works

The sample application you create is based on a scenario where you use the browser to access an ASP.NET website that prompts a user to authenticate through a sign-in button. In this scenario, most of the work to render the web page occurs on the server side.


This guide uses the following libraries:

Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnectMiddleware that enables an application to use OpenIdConnect for authentication
Microsoft.Owin.Security.CookiesMiddleware that enables an application to maintain a user session by using cookies
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWebMiddleware that enables OWIN-based applications to run on Internet Information Services (IIS) by using the ASP.NET request pipeline

Set up your project

This section describes how to install and configure the authentication pipeline through OWIN middleware on an ASP.NET project by using OpenID Connect.

Prefer to download this sample's Visual Studio project instead? Download a project and skip to the Register your application to configure the code sample before executing.

Create your ASP.NET project

  1. In Visual Studio: Go to File > New > Project.
  2. Under Visual C#Web, select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework).
  3. Name your application and select OK.
  4. Select Empty, and then select the check box to add MVC references.

Add authentication components

  1. In Visual Studio: Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console.

  2. Add OWIN middleware NuGet packages by typing the following in the Package Manager Console window:

About these libraries

These libraries enable single sign-on (SSO) by using OpenID Connect through cookie-based authentication. After authentication is completed and the token representing the user is sent to your application, OWIN middleware creates a session cookie. The browser then uses this cookie on subsequent requests so that the user doesn't have to retype the password, and no additional verification is needed.

Configure the authentication pipeline

The following steps are used to create an OWIN middleware Startup class to configure OpenID Connect authentication. This class is executed automatically when your IIS process starts.


If your project doesn't have a Startup.cs file in the root folder:

  1. Right-click the project's root folder, and then select Add > New Item > OWIN Startup class.
  2. Name it Startup.cs.

Make sure the class selected is an OWIN Startup class and not a standard C# class. Confirm this by verifying that you see [assembly: OwinStartup(typeof({NameSpace}.Startup))] above the namespace.

  1. Add OWIN and Microsoft.IdentityModel references to Startup.cs:

  2. Replace Startup class with the following code:


Setting ValidateIssuer = false is a simplification for this quickstart. In real applications, you must validate the issuer.See the samples to learn how to do that.

More information

The parameters you provide in OpenIDConnectAuthenticationOptions serve as coordinates for the application to communicate with Microsoft identity platform. Because the OpenID Connect middleware uses cookies in the background, you must also set up cookie authentication as the preceding code shows. The ValidateIssuer value tells OpenIdConnect not to restrict access to one specific organization.

Add a controller to handle sign-in and sign-out requests

To create a new controller to expose sign-in and sign-out methods, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the Controllers folder and select Add > Controller.

  2. Select MVC (.NET version) Controller – Empty.

  3. Select Add.

  4. Name it HomeController and then select Add.

  5. Add OWIN references to the class:

  6. Add the following two methods to handle sign-in and sign-out to your controller by initiating an authentication challenge:

Create the app's home page for user sign-in

https://biitn.over-blog.com/2021/02/face-up-blackjack.html. In Visual Studio, create a new view to add the sign-in button and to display user information after authentication:

  1. Right-click the ViewsHome folder and select Add View.

  2. Name the new view Index.

  3. Add the following HTML, which includes the sign-in button, to the file:

More information

This page adds a sign-in button in SVG format with a black background:
For more sign-in buttons, go to the Branding guidelines.

Add a controller to display user's claims

This controller demonstrates the uses of the [Authorize] attribute to protect a controller. This attribute restricts access to the controller by allowing only authenticated users. The following code makes use of the attribute to display user claims that were retrieved as part of sign-in:

  1. Right-click the Controllers folder, and then select Add > Controller.

  2. Select MVC {version} Controller – Empty.

  3. Select Add.

  4. Name it ClaimsController.

  5. Replace the code of your controller class with the following code. This adds the [Authorize] attribute to the class:

More information

Because of the use of the [Authorize] attribute, all methods of this controller can be executed only if the user is authenticated. If the user isn't authenticated and tries to access the controller, OWIN initiates an authentication challenge and forces the user to authenticate. The preceding code looks at the list of claims for specific user attributes included in the user's ID token. These attributes include the user's full name and username, as well as the global user identifier subject. It also contains the Tenant ID, which represents the ID for the user's organization.

Create a view to display the user's claims

In Visual Studio, create a new view to display the user's claims in a web page:

  1. Right-click the ViewsClaims folder, and then select Add View.

  2. Name the new view Index.

  3. Add the following HTML to the file:

Register your application

To register your application and add your application registration information to your solution, you have two options:

Option 1: Express mode

To quickly register your application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the new Azure portal - App registrations pane.
  2. Enter a name for your application and select Register.
  3. Follow the instructions to download and automatically configure your new application in a single click.

Option 2: Advanced mode

To register your application and add the app's registration information to your solution manually, follow these steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio, and then:

    1. in Solution Explorer, select the project and view the Properties window (if you don't see a Properties window, press F4).
    2. Change SSL Enabled to True.
    3. Right-click the project in Visual Studio, select Properties, and then select the Web tab. In the Servers section, change the Project Url setting to the SSL URL.
    4. Copy the SSL URL. You'll add this URL to the list of Redirect URLs in the Registration portal's list of Redirect URLs in the next step.
  2. Sign in to the Azure portal by using a work or school account, or by using a personal Microsoft account.

  3. If your account gives you access to more than one tenant, select your account in the upper-right corner, and set your portal session to the Azure AD tenant that you want.

  4. Go to the Microsoft identity platform for developers App registrations page.

  5. Select New registration.

  6. When the Register an application page appears, enter your application's registration information:

    1. In the Name section, enter a meaningful application name that will be displayed to users of the app, like ASPNET-Tutorial.
    2. Add the SSL URL you copied from Visual Studio in step 1 (for example, https://localhost:44368/) in Reply URL, and select Register.
  7. Select the Authentication menu, select ID tokens under Implicit Grant, and then select Save.

  8. Add the following in the web.config file, located in the root folder in the configurationappSettings section:

  9. Replace ClientId with the Application ID you just registered.

  10. Replace redirectUri with the SSL URL of your project.

Test your code

To test your application in Visual Studio, press F5 to run your project. The browser opens to the http://localhost:{port} location, and you see the Sign in with Microsoft button. Select the button to start the sign-in process.

When you're ready to run your test, use an Azure AD account (work or school account) or a personal Microsoft account (live.com or outlook.com) to sign in.


Permissions and consent in the Microsoft identity platform endpoint

Applications that integrate with Microsoft identity platform follow an authorization model that gives users and administrators control over how data can be accessed. After a user authenticates with Microsoft identity platform to access this application, they will be prompted to consent to the permissions requested by the application ('View your basic profile' and 'Maintain access to data you have given it access to'). After accepting these permissions, the user will continue on to the application results. However, the user may instead be prompted with a Need admin consent page if either of the following occur:

  • The application developer adds any additional permissions that require Admin consent.
  • Or the tenant is configured (in Enterprise Applications -> User Settings) where users cannot consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf.

For more information, refer to Permissions and consent in the Microsoft identity platform endpoint.

View application results

After you sign in, the user is redirected to the home page of your website. The home page is the HTTPS URL that's specified in your application registration info in the Microsoft Application Registration Portal. https://biggest-slot-wins-turbopoker.peatix.com. The home page includes a 'Hello <user>' welcome message, a link to sign out, and a link to view the user's claims. The link for the user's claims connects to the Claims controller that you created earlier.

View the user's claims

To view the user's claims, select the link to browse to the controller view that's available only to authenticated users.

View the claims results

After you browse to the controller view, you should see a table that contains the basic properties for the user:

NameUser's full nameThe user's first and last name
Usernameuser@domain.comThe username that's used to identify the user
SubjectSubjectA string that uniquely identifies the user across the web
Tenant IDGuidA guid that uniquely represents the user's Azure AD organization

Additionally, you should see a table of all claims that are in the authentication request. For more information, see the list of claims that are in an ID token.

Test access to a method that has an Authorize attribute (optional)

To test access as an anonymous user to a controller that's protected by the Authorize attribute, follow these steps:

  1. Select the link to sign out the user, and complete the sign-out process.
  2. In your browser, type http://localhost:{port}/claims to access your controller that's protected by the Authorize attribute.

Expected results after access to a protected controller

You're prompted to authenticate to use the protected controller view.

Advanced options

Protect your entire website

To protect your entire website, in the Global.asax file, add the AuthorizeAttribute attribute to the GlobalFilters filter in the Application_Start method:

Restrict who can sign in to your application

By default when you build the application created by this guide, your application will accept sign-ins of personal accounts (including outlook.com, live.com, and others) as well as work and school accounts from any company or organization that's integrated with Microsoft identity platform. This is a recommended option for SaaS applications.

To restrict user sign-in access for your application, multiple options are available.

Option 1: Restrict users from only one organization's Active Directory instance to sign in to your application (single-tenant)

This option is frequently used for LOB applications: If you want your application to accept sign-ins only from accounts that belong to a specific Azure AD instance (including guest accounts of that instance), follow these steps:

  1. In the web.config file, change the value for the Tenant parameter from Common to the tenant name of the organization, such as contoso.onmicrosoft.com.
  2. In your OWIN Startup class, set the ValidateIssuer argument to true.

Option 2: Restrict access to users in a specific list of organizations

You can restrict sign-in access to only those user accounts that are in an Azure AD organization that's on the list of allowed organizations:

Gopanel 2 Web Server Manager V2 5 0 Download

  1. In your OWIN Startup class, set the ValidateIssuer argument to true.
  2. Set the value of the ValidIssuers parameter to the list of allowed organizations.

Option 3: Use a custom method to validate issuers

You can implement a custom method to validate issuers by using the IssuerValidator parameter. For more information about how to use this parameter, see TokenValidationParameters class.

Help and support

If you need help, want to report an issue, or would like to learn about your support options, see Help and support for developers.

Next steps

Learn about calling protected web APIs from web apps with the Microsoft identity platform:


This vulnerability has been modified since it was last analyzed by the NVD. It is awaiting reanalysis which may result in further changes to the information provided.

Current Description

Insufficient session authentication in web server for Intel(R) Data Center Manager SDK before version 5.0.2 may allow an unauthenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via network access.

Gopanel 2 Web Server Manager V2 5 0 Free

Analysis Description

Insufficient session authentication in web server for Intel(R) Data Center Manager SDK before version 5.0.2 may allow an unauthenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via network access.


CVSS 3.x Severity and Metrics:

Gopanel 2 Web Server Manager V2 5 0 User

Vector:HyperlinkResourcehttp://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-security-announce/2020-07/msg00083.htmlhttp://www.securityfocus.com/bid/107069Third Party AdvisoryVDB Entryhttps://ics-cert.us-cert.gov/advisories/ICSA-19-050-01Third Party AdvisoryUS Government Resourcehttps://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/security-center/advisory/INTEL-SA-00215.htmlVendor Advisory

Weakness Enumeration

Gopanel 2 Web Server Manager V2 5 0 2

CWE-IDCWE NameSource
CWE-384Session FixationNIST

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