The collection of calendars in the user's calendar list. See also Calendars vs CalendarList.

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Calendar Pro 3 3 – Google Calendar Applications Free

Resource representations

Calendar pro 3 3 – google calendar applications 2019

Calendar Pro for Google is a Google calendar app with intuitive design. Now, it's so easy to get every event organized. It has a simple and neat look and is accessible, highly responsive and reliable.Highlights Quick access to Google Calendar Fast and responsive Add multiple Google acco. Oct 29, 2014 Not a day goes by that I don’t use my digital secretary in the cloud: my Google Calendar. Cloud-based calendars have had a huge impact on how we manage our schedules, send meeting invitations and share information. As a tech enthusiast, I’m always on the hunt for the best apps around. Here’s a list of the best Google Calendar apps I’m using these days. The most complete and practical calendar in your hands, save time managing your tasks and events effectively with our agenda. ⏰ Organize your events and reminders. It's fast and customizable to track your events. Each event has the option to receive notification (alerts). You can set daily, weekly, monthly or yearly recurrence. 🗓 Sync your calendars in this calendar. This way.

Calendar Pro 3 3 – Google Calendar Applications Pdf

Property nameValueDescriptionNotes
accessRolestringThe effective access role that the authenticated user has on the calendar. Read-only. Possible values are:
  • 'freeBusyReader' - Provides read access to free/busy information.
  • 'reader' - Provides read access to the calendar. Private events will appear to users with reader access, but event details will be hidden.
  • 'writer' - Provides read and write access to the calendar. Private events will appear to users with writer access, and event details will be visible.
  • 'owner' - Provides ownership of the calendar. This role has all of the permissions of the writer role with the additional ability to see and manipulate ACLs.
backgroundColorstringThe main color of the calendar in the hexadecimal format '#0088aa'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property. To set or change this property, you need to specify colorRgbFormat=true in the parameters of the insert, update and patch methods. Optional. writable
colorIdstringThe color of the calendar. This is an ID referring to an entry in the calendar section of the colors definition (see the colors endpoint). This property is superseded by the backgroundColor and foregroundColor properties and can be ignored when using these properties. Optional. writable
conferencePropertiesnested objectConferencing properties for this calendar, for example what types of conferences are allowed.
conferenceProperties.allowedConferenceSolutionTypes[]listThe types of conference solutions that are supported for this calendar.

The possible values are:

  • 'eventHangout'
  • 'eventNamedHangout'
  • 'hangoutsMeet'
defaultReminders[]listThe default reminders that the authenticated user has for this calendar. writable
defaultReminders[].methodstringThe method used by this reminder. Possible values are:
  • 'email' - Reminders are sent via email.
  • 'popup' - Reminders are sent via a UI popup.

Required when adding a reminder.

defaultReminders[].minutesintegerNumber of minutes before the start of the event when the reminder should trigger. Valid values are between 0 and 40320 (4 weeks in minutes).

Apple computer backup devices. Required when adding a reminder.

deletedbooleanWhether this calendar list entry has been deleted from the calendar list. Read-only. Optional. The default is False.
descriptionstringDescription of the calendar. Optional. Read-only.
etagetagETag of the resource.
foregroundColorstringThe foreground color of the calendar in the hexadecimal format '#ffffff'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property. To set or change this property, you need to specify colorRgbFormat=true in the parameters of the insert, update and patch methods. Optional. writable
hiddenbooleanWhether the calendar has been hidden from the list. Optional. The attribute is only returned when the calendar is hidden, in which case the value is true. writable
idstringIdentifier of the calendar.
kindstringType of the resource ('calendar#calendarListEntry').
locationstringGeographic location of the calendar as free-form text. Optional. Read-only.
notificationSettingsobjectThe notifications that the authenticated user is receiving for this calendar. writable
notificationSettings.notifications[]listThe list of notifications set for this calendar.
notificationSettings.notifications[].methodstringThe method used to deliver the notification. The possible value is:
  • 'email' - Notifications are sent via email.

Titan slot game. Required when adding a notification.

notificationSettings.notifications[].typestringThe type of notification. Possible values are:
  • 'eventCreation' - Notification sent when a new event is put on the calendar.
  • 'eventChange' - Notification sent when an event is changed.
  • 'eventCancellation' - Notification sent when an event is cancelled.
  • 'eventResponse' - Notification sent when an attendee responds to the event invitation.
  • 'agenda' - An agenda with the events of the day (sent out in the morning).

Required when adding a notification. Ampkit 2 0 1 – powerful guitar & effects studio.

primarybooleanWhether the calendar is the primary calendar of the authenticated user. Read-only. Optional. The default is False.
selectedbooleanWhether the calendar content shows up in the calendar UI. Optional. The default is False. writable
summarystringTitle of the calendar. Read-only.
summaryOverridestringThe summary that the authenticated user has set for this calendar. Optional. writable
timeZonestringThe time zone of the calendar. Optional. Read-only.


Removes a calendar from the user's calendar list.
Returns a calendar from the user's calendar list.
Inserts an existing calendar into the user's calendar list.
Returns the calendars on the user's calendar list.
Updates an existing calendar on the user's calendar list. This method supports patch semantics.
Updates an existing calendar on the user's calendar list.
Watch for changes to CalendarList resources.